Current News and Happenings!


January    February    March  April May June

July August September October November December


She's here!!!!!  Born on January 8, at 10:05 pm and weighing in at 6 pounds, 14.5 ounces...

Rhianna Rosamae was just a bit early, but we're happy to have her!  Leadliners look out!  Who knows what kind of spotted victories this little one will be heading for in her future...


On the equine front, we're just trying to get through the winter!  The snow has finally gotten here, and as I type this we are in the midst of a "winter storm" which is predicted to dump close to 8 inches on us in the next few hours.  The horses are all still out enjoying their hay, and actually have been still snipping at winter grass here and there as the weather has been mild between snow days and there's been a day or two when you could actually see green out in the lower pastures.  Won't be long before we'll be swinging into breeding and foaling season, as well as getting ready for showing!  Right now our plans are still to show Zack and Scarlet early on, with a few of the others being brought in after foaling season is over and we have the spare stall space.  Plans can always change - and often do around these parts! - but for now that's the goal.



Feb. 7:  Things have begun to get busy around here!  We started out having to bring Spider up with an mildly injured tendon, probably a result of playing too rough in the deep snow!  She's back out with her buddies now, sound and happy.

Yesterday we spent the day working in the barn and bringing up horses.  Coyote is up under lights, as well as Magic who we confirmed had lost her foal sometime over the last month or so.  That's one gut feeling I had hoped Travis would prove me wrong on but no such luck.  So they are both up to get their cycles jump started so we can get them bred.  Then we'll bring KC up for the same thing.  Unfortunately we don't have the stall space to get them all up at once.  We have one foaling stall open and that's waiting for Red, who is starting to show signs that she's likely to foal out early for us this year.  She's not bagged yet, but she's a last minute bag builder so I don't think it will be all that long at all.  I'm thinking the end of the month...

And last but not least we have Zack up now, to get him fit and ready for breeding and showing.  Scarlet is having to wait for stall space.  Of course, we have a minor change in plans!  Shadow has been sold to a friend of mine who plans to show her with us this year, so she will be coming up for her new mom to work with her soon too.  Should be a really fun year for showing all these T babies!


Feb. 27 -  Things are really getting busy here despite snow and ice!!  Boy am I looking forward to some more Spring-like weather.  Red is up, bagged and we're just waiting on the big arrival...and waiting, and waiting...I'll admit I did tell her to cross her legs the other day when temps were falling into single digits and she is one to listen to me.  Guess I should go ahead and tell her to have that baby now, huh?

We are adding two stalls to the barn, bringing our total up to 6.  One day we'll actually have a sure enough horse barn!  Of course Travis almost had a heart attack over the price wood has escalated to.  Not a good year to be doing so much remodeling, that's for sure.  Scarlet and Shadow are up now in our "turn out stall" and adjoining paddock until their new stalls are completed this week.  They are both going to be getting ready to show along with Zack and we are tentatively aiming for the Virginia show in Mid April.  I have the heavy duty clippers out and ready to start making some changes next week.  Needless to say, this web page will be filled with tons of great stuff before too long, if I can find the time to keep it updated!

Scarlet and Shadow before being brought in for beauty treatment....



March 8:  Our first foal has arrived!!!  A black filly out of Red and by The Quest.  We are really pleased with her and can't wait to see how she grows into those long legs of hers!  For more information and pictures check out our Maternity Ward and her new page...


April 14 - Time is just flying by!  I can't keep up on here near as much as I'd like.  Too much to do and not enough hours in the day I'm afraid.

This month has been filled with working on fixing what the winter broke, and trying to get ready for the upcoming show season.   Chris is up and ready to foal any time now.  She has the reputation here for foaling on or darn close to her due date and she looks to be following the same pattern with this baby, as she is due tomorrow.  I won't be getting much sleep to say the least.

Zack's "little black book" is starting to fill and he's been learning to use the dummy mount, when to talk nice to the girls and when not to talk, and he's started growing - again!  At least he should be leveled out come our first show which we're planning on at the end of May.

Scarlet is looking awesome, and learning daily about the simplicities of life.  She is filling out and I think she'll be very competitive this year!

And last but not least, the kids have been learning to ride and Spider's been learning to be ridden.  Not many horses that you can easily do both with!  She's really proven herself though and is extremely willing.  The hard part is keeping Travis, who has been doing most of the teaching, from getting ahead of her and the kids!



May 6 - The days are slipping by faster than I can keep track of!

Chris finally foaled a week late on the 23rd.  She has a beautiful bay colt named "Emmett".  You can see more about him on his page and in the Maternity Ward.  

Now we're just waiting on Misfit who went a month over last year and appears to be in no hurry again this year considering she was due the 19th and is just now starting to bag up!


I'm getting way behind on my updates!  Hay season is here and has us jumping.  We started cutting when the forecast called for just a few isolated thunderstorms over the week...and of course with half the field cut those "isolated storms" became monsoon rain showers that "isolated" over this area for the week!

Misfit foaled May 21, a gorgeous dun colt.  Unfortunately our luck didn't hold out on us, and we lost Misfit to a post-foaling twist when "Sam" turned 3 weeks old.  Not a good weekend to say the least.

We are seeing some changes here also.  We've sold Tempest, and bought a new mare that we will be picking up at the Nationals.  We're also selling Zack and keeping our eyes and ears open for a new stallion potential.  I'm in no hurry though as I have plenty enough to keep me busy and I'm not looking for anything less than perfect!

So that's the month so far in a nutshell!!






10/16 - Well so it's been a few months!!!  Many apologies, and thank you to everyone who emailed me wondering where the updates have been lately!  Sometimes I do have to be kicked back into gear...but it has been an excessively busy year for us.  But winter is around the corner, snow is supposed to start falling tomorrow and I have found a few moments where I can sit and work here on my site.  I have already updated several pages, with many more to be done in the next few days so don't be surprised that things keep changing right in front of you for a bit here!

For a quick summary, we have 3 foals due next Spring, and one outside mare.  All three babies from this year are growing and beautiful, especially those Quest babies.  Wish I could keep them all!!!  We have everyone shifting about this time of year, trying to get the foals settled in with some older pasture mates in a big pasture for the winter, moving the mares to fall pasture then back up to the barn pastures for winter, trying to sort them so there's as little fuss as possible and so that everyone gets along at least relatively well with their pasture's not nearly as simple as it should be!

Right now our plans are to bring up Mischief and Scarlet for the beginning of the 2006 show season, and add a few more as we go.  It's possible the kids will be showing this coming year so we have to make room in the trailer for their rides as well.  Might require a bit more juggling than I'm used to.

More to come as I have time...keep checking for updates!


Well in case you slipped right through the home page without noticing the new news - we have a NEW stallion!!!  And yes, we are really excited about getting him here, which won't happen until the first of the year as we have things going on here for Christmas and timing is just working better for the end of January all around.  Thank you, thank you, thank you to Karen Grimm of Black Horse Ranch in Nevada for the opportunity to own Dream Aloud.  I hope I can do right by such an awesome horse and enjoy many long years with his company!

Check out "Al's" new page here.


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